BROADWAY ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: After Sam is murdered on the street, he finds himself trapped as a ghost between this world and the next. He tries to communicate with girlfriend Molly through a phony psychic in the hope of saving her from his murderer.
I did not want to make Ghost into a musical and refused every overture to make that happen. I hated the idea of people singing inane songs and couldn’t imagine where they would fit into the storyline. Then one day a pair of producers, David Garfinkle and Collin Ingram, came to visit me in upstate New York. They spent such a long time trying to sell me on the idea of a musical that they actually missed their train back to the city and had to sleep over at my house. Somewhere late that night as they continued trying every approach they could think of to convince me to sign on, I began to understand something central to the project, songs are close-ups. Songs are the moment that the characters express what the close-up can only suggest, that there is a whole emotional world buried behind their eyes that only a song can explore. I got excited. There were new depths to the characters that the songs made possible. By the time the producers left after breakfast I had signed on. We were making a musical. Happily, Ghost The Musical was one of the most joyful creative journeys of my life. I had a play on the West End, on Broadway, and now many productions all over the world. I’m so lucky they missed their train.