Bruce gives weekly talks in his meditation sessions. For the past ten years these talks have been posted on YouTube and can be found here.
More information on these sessions can be found here. INTERVIEW: Next Level Soul Podcast: Bruce Joel Rubin (YouTube) Bruce has been teaching meditation for many decades. The practice, which his teacher Rudi called THE WORK*, derives from the Hindu teachings of Kashmir Shaivism and is essentially learning how to sit still and find a way into the heart of one’s own inner being. It requires a deep surrender so one can dispassionately observe the mental, emotional, and physical disturbances of the mind with increasing disinterest and detachment. It is grounded in the simple idea that one’s daily life is one’s spiritual life and meditation is a pathway to fulfillment. Bruce later discovered the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj and his book, I AM THAT. It opened the door to a practice called Advaita Yoga or the yoga of non-duality. Nisargadatta believed you are already what you are looking for and that nothing you are seeking is in the future. He showed the path to liberation was simply recognizing and overcoming the burden that is our ego-minded self. Several years afterward Bruce awoke to the truth of these teachings during a seminar on non-duality. He describes his awakening as a realization that there was no one to awaken, that separation is an illusion, that we are all One. It was the end of spiritual seeking and the beginning of discovery. His teaching today incorporates ongoing insights from the front lines of an ever-evolving and expanding awareness as he provides help and instruction for those still struggling on the path. |