Recent Talks
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February 2, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
When the darkness descends and navigational systems fail, you must become the light, you must trust the journey. Learn to flow.
January 26, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
"OH, THIS AGAIN!!!" These are the first words I spoke as I began my LSD trip 60 years ago, as I started entering old age and again as I watch the world slip into Fascism. I suspect I will say them on my deathbed. There are repetitive cycles to the human experience. Awakening is the revelation of these patterns and, perhaps, a release from the suffering they cause.
January 19, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
My grandfather witnessed the arrival of electricity, cars, radio, and television. He survived two world wars, a depression and loved Johnny Carson. But although claiming to be ready to die at 103, he suddenly saw death and yelled, “Save me.” We will all survive worldly change. It is finality, eternity, we must prepare for. Look inward, not just at the manifested world.
January 12, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Three words in the "spiritual" lexicon are important in this challenging moment, "Try," "Allow," and "Be." Trying and allowing involve us as individuals and are very helpful in life. Being happens by itself. There is no path to being. It is happening as you read this.
January 5, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
There is a difference between memory loss and losing your mind, and yet both are necessary steps in discovering who you are. Trying to hold onto what was, to structured thought, to making sense of what is and will be—all need to be surrendered for true awakening to occur. It's a tough and challenging path. Deepening consciousness will help.
December 29, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
There is no "one" to die, no "one" to wake up, no "one" to become enlightened. And there is no "one" to understand what this means. Surrender. Be nice. Life will take care of it.
December 15, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
"Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'"
Bob Dylan
December 8, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Wake up and smell the roses. The roses need you. The world needs you.
December 1, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The first step to "spiritual radiance" is "human warmth." Call a friend. Go out for ice cream. Share your kindness.
November 24, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
I want to be in the moment – just not this moment. What now?
November 17, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Reset! Old thoughts, old patterns, will not get you through the dynamic and demanding changes ahead. It is essential to dig deeper, wish harder, demand more from your deepest Self. Intellect will not help. Best to recognize that you know nothing. "True Knowing" has nothing to do with cognition.
November 10, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The outer world is only half of the equation and perhaps even less. To find balance and wholeness, discover the Universe inside. It's not hard. Welcome the Infinite within.
November 3, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
In a world of impermanence and uncertainty be open to Surprise.
October 27, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The unfolding joy of a spiritual journey is discovering the total amazement of being alive. It is indescribable--although that doesn’t stop me from trying to share it with you.
October 6, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Rudi said you know you are in flow if you run out of gas right in front of a gas station with a great restaurant attached. Flow is essential in times of obstruction and upheaval. Learn how to flow. Practice flowing.
When the darkness descends and navigational systems fail, you must become the light, you must trust the journey. Learn to flow.
January 26, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
"OH, THIS AGAIN!!!" These are the first words I spoke as I began my LSD trip 60 years ago, as I started entering old age and again as I watch the world slip into Fascism. I suspect I will say them on my deathbed. There are repetitive cycles to the human experience. Awakening is the revelation of these patterns and, perhaps, a release from the suffering they cause.
January 19, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
My grandfather witnessed the arrival of electricity, cars, radio, and television. He survived two world wars, a depression and loved Johnny Carson. But although claiming to be ready to die at 103, he suddenly saw death and yelled, “Save me.” We will all survive worldly change. It is finality, eternity, we must prepare for. Look inward, not just at the manifested world.
January 12, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Three words in the "spiritual" lexicon are important in this challenging moment, "Try," "Allow," and "Be." Trying and allowing involve us as individuals and are very helpful in life. Being happens by itself. There is no path to being. It is happening as you read this.
January 5, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
There is a difference between memory loss and losing your mind, and yet both are necessary steps in discovering who you are. Trying to hold onto what was, to structured thought, to making sense of what is and will be—all need to be surrendered for true awakening to occur. It's a tough and challenging path. Deepening consciousness will help.
December 29, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
There is no "one" to die, no "one" to wake up, no "one" to become enlightened. And there is no "one" to understand what this means. Surrender. Be nice. Life will take care of it.
December 15, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
"Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'"
Bob Dylan
December 8, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Wake up and smell the roses. The roses need you. The world needs you.
December 1, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The first step to "spiritual radiance" is "human warmth." Call a friend. Go out for ice cream. Share your kindness.
November 24, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
I want to be in the moment – just not this moment. What now?
November 17, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Reset! Old thoughts, old patterns, will not get you through the dynamic and demanding changes ahead. It is essential to dig deeper, wish harder, demand more from your deepest Self. Intellect will not help. Best to recognize that you know nothing. "True Knowing" has nothing to do with cognition.
November 10, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The outer world is only half of the equation and perhaps even less. To find balance and wholeness, discover the Universe inside. It's not hard. Welcome the Infinite within.
November 3, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
In a world of impermanence and uncertainty be open to Surprise.
October 27, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
The unfolding joy of a spiritual journey is discovering the total amazement of being alive. It is indescribable--although that doesn’t stop me from trying to share it with you.
October 6, 2024 Red Hook, NY (watch, listen)
Rudi said you know you are in flow if you run out of gas right in front of a gas station with a great restaurant attached. Flow is essential in times of obstruction and upheaval. Learn how to flow. Practice flowing.