My Life in PhotosINTRODUCTION While searching for images for my book, IT’S ONLY A MOVIE, the editors and I delved through 80 years of photos. Trying to pick only 20 was difficult and it was decided that we could post many additional ones on the website. Captions were added to help flesh out the images. In this way the book is now more fully illustrated online and the website offers a much deeper dive into some of the many people who enchanted and inspired my life. These snapshots are simply a glimpse of one man’s journey at a moment in time when Polaroid cameras and handheld Kodaks were starting to capture and document our world. Enjoy the ride. Ancestors Childhood Childhood Friends High School College India Early Bruce & Blanche Wedding Rudi New York & Josh Ashram Years DeKalb & Ari Bruce & Blanche Later Years Hollywood 1 Hollywood 2 Family 1 Family 2 Family 3 Art Places: Bear Hollow Places: Northridge Places: NYC, Redmond, San Rafael Places: Red Hook Editors |