During my years in San Rafael I discovered photography. I was walking on a road covered in bird droppings and thought they looked like a Jackson Pollack painting. I snapped a photo. Then I began snapping lots of photos, rusting cars, the insides of garbage cans, and realized that I had begun to see the world through new eyes. I began manipulating the photos and turning them into impressionistic works. Many of my images are posted on Instagram and on this website. My photos have now been included in gallery shows. The ones on the right were an attempt to choose images for an exhibit in Gallery 71 in Rhinebeck where I was a contributing artist for the last year.
This is me in front of one of my displays at Gallery 71.
We changed our displays monthly at Gallery 71. It was fun to find I had so much I wanted to show.
A bigger wall at Gallery 71 and thus a bigger display.
Blanche helped me install my photographs and sat with me twice a month greeting visitors to the gallery. Being with her, just sitting together, was the best part for me.
I enlarged some of my photos into tapestries, printed on large pieces of cloth. That was special for me. I like big work.
Our studio/gallery space in Red Hook allowed for the hanging of my large photo/tapestries as well as Blanche’s paintings. It was great to see them displayed in a large space.
These tapestry images were created on ETSY. They sent me a few of my images to show me how they would look on their website. I was sold.
I had an inspiration one day to hang our garage walls full of paintings that my mother, Blanche and Blanche’s aunt Zelda had done. We had run out of room in the house to display them and they had been in storage. I have never seen a garage turned into a gallery space before. It blew my mind. I truly recommend it. It welcomes me every time I drive home and park my car.
Blanche and I had a gallery show together at the Laundry Gallery in San Francisco. It included her paintings and pottery as well as my photos. It was called AN ARTFUL MARRIAGE and was a two-floor massive exhibit—a great way to end our time in San Rafael before our move to Red Hook.
Blanche making pottery. We now have a dedicated studio for her in the Red Hook home.
I love watching Blanche decorating her work. Her creative being is the most remarkable part of her.
These are images from the Laundry show, combining Blanche’s pottery and my photographs. To be recognized as married artists was a great moment for us.
Photographs and pottery danced together through the huge space. They referenced one another. It was a delight to see how much they worked together.
The Laundry opening was a highlight of our five years in San Rafael. The commingling of our work allowed all our friends and family to view us in a special way.
Our pieces danced together.
This is a table of some of Blanche’s pottery before it was displayed. It was amazing to see so much of it in one space.
There are four watercolors of Blanche’s that have found a special space in every home we have lived. These are them.