These photos are somewhat random but try to capture Blanche and me in our later years. As you can tell, beards and mustachios come and go in my life. I embraced inconsistency.
Blanche aglow. This photo opens my heart.
A random shot of Blanche, probably at a restaurant. It was always great to sit opposite her. I loved gazing at my wife.
Blanche and one of her horses at a ranch where she boarded them while still in LA. The horses were our motivation to move to a farm/ranch so the horses could be near us. We just didn’t think it would be across the country.
Blanche riding on grounds of our new home, Bear Hollow, in upstate NY.
Blanche riding in a competition at the fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, NY.
Blanche and her mom Fanny. Fanny moved in with us in LA for nine years, until her death at 93. She was followed by my Dad Jimmy who lived with us for six years. We had live-in caretakers for both of them the entire time. It was a gift we gave to them and a gift to us as well.
Blanche and I as cooks in our LA home, although I never cooked a real meal in my life and Blanche was our true chef.
Me in my LA home office. Many movies were written in that space.
Blanche always wanted to go to India since my journey had been so instructive, inspirational and transformative when I was a kid. We finally made the trip and it was profoundly completing for us both.
There is a picture of me on this bench from my travels nearly 50 years before. It was wonderful to share the same bench with my wife.
I had no one to kiss when I was in India in 1966. My whole life was about finding and cherishing that person. It is still amazing to me that Blanche was willing to be that person. We’ve now been married over half a century. Remarkable.
Blanche and me in Kathmandu, just minutes from the monastery I lived in all those decades before.
This is the Boudhnanth stupa. I never imagined that I would return there. Being there with Blanche was a true celebration.
Me in my Northridge office. We call this the house that GHOST built. I never forget what a gift my career was. I am thankful every day.
Blanche and I in Central Park. My cousin Joanie, a famous photographer, snapped the photo of us. Real happiness on film.
Me. I don’t know when or where but I like how I seem to feel. It’s taken a lifetime of meditation to arrive at moments of such comfort and gratitude.
Blanche and me at some premiere, probably at one of my movies. The highlight of the night was being married to this woman.
Blanche and me at the opening of a gallery exhibit of our art work at The Laundry in San Francisco. It included a collection of my photographs and Blanche’s paintings and pottery. The show was called AN ARTFUL MARRIAGE. It was an incredible moment for us.
Blanche and I in Venice, Italy, just after our 50th Wedding Anniversary. I doctored the photo to create a sense of timeless space. Our marriage feels timeless to me.
One of my favorite photos of Blanche. It is on the desk in our bedroom. She gazes at me day and night. Pure joy.
My grandson Eli took this photo of me. He told me to cock my head and then snapped the photo. He gets me.
Me with expanding wrinkles. It is amazing to get old. It is also joyful.
Me at a family gathering celebrating Blanche’s 80th Birthday. Josh took this photo. I love seeing myself through his eyes.
This is called a meditation photograph that is used by my students when they meditate. Rudi taught an eyes open meditation. There is an energy transference from teacher to student that I always found extraordinary. Rudi’s energy was so strong that I would literally fall over when he worked with me in class. I do not have his power but a lot of love and compassion comes through when I teach.
A closeup.